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Visualization and Simulation


SAS Institute Inc

SAS/INSIGHT software is a highly interactive tool for graphic dataanalysis. With SAS/INSIGHT software, users can explore their data througha variety of graphic displays, including bar charts, scatter plots, and3-D rotating plots. All observations are linked so that changes to onegraph show immediately in all others.SAS/INSIGHT software also offers distribution, regression, correlation,and principal components analysis, combining each type of analysis withappropriate graphs and a spreadsheet. Users can configure the software toproduce graphs and tabulated results tailored to their specific needs.SAS/INSIGHT software provides a user-configuration, highly interactive,easy-to-use environment for exploring and understanding data.SAS/INSIGHT software is a fully integrated component of the SAS System;users can view output from any SAS procedure and can use any SASprocedure to analyze SAS/INSIGHT output.The SAS System is the world's leading information delivery system foraccessing, managing, analyzing, and presenting data.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2,2.4 Solaris x86 2.3,2.4

SAS Institute Inc
SAS Campus Dr
Cary, NC 27513-2414
Phone: (919) 677-8000
Fax: (919) 677-4444